Reestruturação Do Sistema De Levantamento De Preços Médios Diários Recebidos Pelos Produtores No Estado De São Paulo
Palavras-chave: preços agrícolas, levantamento diário, Escritórios de Desenvolvimento Rural (EDRs). DAILY AVERAGE PRICES RECEIVED BY FARMERS IN SÃO PAULO STATE: SURVEY SYSTEM RESTRUCTURING ABSTRACT: This paper aims to present the new structure of the survey system of daily prices received by farmers in São Paulo State, emphasizing the modification brought about by the creation of the Rural Developing Offices (RDOs) and by the changes over time in the spacial distribution of the agricultural production and marketing in the state. Key-words: agricultural products, daily survey, Rural Developing Offices (EDRs). .
Data de Publicação: 01/03/2000
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